Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My first blog post!

Here I am at my computer working on my first blog post...just 8 days until departure on our Dubai/Africa dream vacation!  We survived the 21 shots required between the four of us, bags are {almost} packed, malaria medication starts tomorrow, Connor returns from his French class trip to the Loire Valley on Monday...now on to creating our Blogspot so that we can share our adventures with friends and family!


  1. Great Job Eva. I look forward to following the details of your great adventure! You set this up nicely, I knew you could. I'm looking forward to helping you learn how to update your new blog on your iPhone and iPad!
    Scott (Computer Guru)

  2. The Axs are anxiously awaiting the next update. Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip. We have not yet made it to Park City but expect to be there sometime in July, hopefully we will see you there. Best, Peter

  3. What an amazing experience, love following it. Will check in daily to see the trip! Be safe!
